Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Word Smastanbul

My friend and I have been noticing that Istanbul-uns love making plays on their city's name. So far, some of our favorites include:

Spagetiler (a spaghetti place in Etiler)
Garajistanbul (clever...)
Sitanbul (no, it's not a chair shop. I thought so too)

We decided people most likely come up with a clever name first, with the business to follow. We decided to start our own shop, called "Pembesiktas." (Pronounced Pembe-sheektash). Besiktas is the name of a neighborhood, as well as a popular futbol team. Pembe means pink. Also pig. So we will sell pink-/pig- themed Besiktas futbol paraphernalia.

My roommates think it's brilliant.

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