Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Accidental Political Statements...

March 22nd-ish

Last night, some of us (clueless) Americans heard there was a celebration of the Kurdish spring-coming on campus, called Newroz. My friend had celebrated this holiday, which originates in Iran, and involves music, dancing, and jumping over bonfires. Cool. Sounded great. So we went. It was great. The musicians were outstanding, and it was held in an auditorium where people got up to do folk-dancing. (Shh don't tell but all the dancing in this region is very similar, if not the same, and having an extensive background in Greek dancing I am always moved to join.)
We returned home and told our respective roommates about the experience. Some of the responses we got:
"You're brave."
"They're communists."
"They're with the PKK."
In fact, our Newroz had been quite subdued and peaceful. There weren't even any bonfires. But after a little research, I did indeed find that Newroz has become a politicized event for the Kurdish population to speak out against their oppressors, and was a popular day for the PKK to stage attacks for attention. Surprise! Sometimes I feel like I'd save a lot of trouble by just wearing a sign around my neck: "Ignorant American."

1 comment:

  1. hahaha I have definitely needed that sign while abroad! Sounds like you're having a good time tho despite awkward situations ;)
